The difference between the functional features of purifying air conditioners and general air conditioners

In addition to daily weather, humidity, and wind power, PM2.5 is also known as the smog. It is also the focus of daily broadcasts. Smog seriously affects our health. In such a polluted living environment, an electric appliance with a purifying function is indispensable. The following decoration home network Xiaobian takes everyone to understand the functional characteristics of the clean air conditioner and the difference with the general air conditioner.


First, what is the purification of air conditioning

The air conditioner is a kind of air conditioner. It not only requires the temperature, humidity and wind speed of the indoor air, but also has high requirements on the dust particles and bacteria concentration in the air. Therefore, it is not only a plan for the ventilation project. There are special requirements for construction, and there are special requirements and corresponding technical means for the construction layout, material selection, construction process, construction method, plumbing and electric power, and the design and construction of the process itself.

Second, the characteristics of purification air conditioning

On the one hand, air purification is to reduce the indoor pollution by sending the purified air conditioner, and on the other hand, it is to accelerate the discharge of polluted air with high concentration in the room. In order to ensure the cleanliness of the air required for the clean room in the production environment or for other purposes, a comprehensive and comprehensive approach is required to achieve the goal. These measures include: controlling pollution sources and reducing the amount of pollution ; effectively preventing outdoor pollution from entering the room or preventing indoor pollution from escaping outdoors ; quickly and effectively removing the pollution already generated in the room ; flow rate control ; air tightness ;

The technical measures implemented by these comprehensive measures include: filtering skills ( three-level filtering ); airflow skills ( air supply and flow patterns ); pressure control skills ( positive and negative pressure ) . The filtering function ensures that the air in the room is clean, the airflow technology ensures that the indoor pollution is diluted or removed as soon as possible, and the pressure control technology controls the outdoor pollution intrusion.


Third, the difference between clean air conditioning and general air conditioning

1 , design parameters

Purifying air conditioners are very different from general air conditioners. In terms of temperature and humidity, the general temperature and humidity of the air-conditioning room only considers the basic requirements of personnel comfort, and the air-conditioning purification should not only consider the comfort level, but more importantly, ensure the special temperature and humidity environment required by the process ( including eliminating the static charge). ) .

In addition to temperature and humidity, the design parameters for purifying air conditioners include the amount of dust generated and the amount of bacteria emitted indoors and outdoors. The outdoor atmospheric dust count concentration varies greatly from place to place, with a maximum value of 106 grains /L . For clean rooms of Class 5 and below for high-efficiency air purification systems, when the atmospheric concentration is below 106 particles /L , the effect on the dust concentration of the clean room can be ignored.

2 , load characteristics

The load calculation method for purifying the air conditioning system is similar to the general calculation method. However, the air conditioning cooling load of the clean room is different from that of a normal building. Under normal circumstances, the clean room is indoors, and the cooling load of the maintenance layout can be calculated according to stable heat transfer. In general, for some advanced clean rooms, the heat load of indoor process equipment deployment and the fresh air load caused by equipment deployment exhaust are an important part. Secondly, the power load of the circulating fan in the air conditioning system, the traditional air conditioning load such as maintenance layout heat transfer, lighting, body heat dissipation only accounts for about 10% of the total load.

3 , the amount of air supply

The amount of air supplied to the clean room should be the maximum of the following three items: the amount of air supplied to ensure air cleanliness ; the amount of air to be determined by the heat and humidity load meter ; and the amount of fresh air supplied to the clean room. Generally speaking, the first item is always the largest. This is the characteristic of purifying the air conditioner. The clean air volume is sufficient to eliminate the residual heat and moisture.

A good purifier air conditioner can purify most of the harmful particulate matter in the air to a certain extent, and can really achieve the effect of clean air. If you want to know more, please continue to pay attention to the decoration home network.

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What is the principle of purifying air conditioner? What is the difference with ordinary air conditioners?

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