New packaging concept concept

After any product is commercialized, it needs to be packaged. Packaging is an indispensable part of the production, storage, sales, and human social life of modern commodities. In the packaging general terminology of our country's national standard (CB4122-83), the definition of packaging is "to protect the product during circulation, facilitate storage and transportation, promote sales, use containers, materials, and auxiliary materials according to certain technical methods, etc." The overall name also refers to measures such as the application of certain technical methods in the process of using containers, materials, and aids to achieve the above-mentioned purposes." With the progress of society, people's consumption needs multi-dimensional structure, that is, material, spiritual, and economic aspects. Therefore, the concept of packaging needs to be extended. (Signal has issued a rare bull market to catch rare cattle stocks)

For a company, packaging is no longer packaged for packaging, but is an information carrier containing a series of economic activities for the purpose of realizing its commercial purpose and adding value to its products. Before a specific functional package, a series of market surveys, consumer objects, and psychological analysis should be completed to complete the planning and investment feasibility analysis of the entire product, establish a brand through packaging, promote the sales of the product, and increase the added value of the product. This kind of packaging is a conscious packaging concept. It will guide functional packaging to avoid the arbitrariness of commodity packaging and avoid blind investment in equipment. This is a theoretical upgrade of packaging, the concept of intangible packaging, market philosophy, and economic awareness. After the functional packaging, the goods have to go through commercial activities to achieve this packaging concept. This includes various commercial activities such as advertising media, marketing, services, information, and networking. It is a post-package of goods. Therefore, a complete packaging concept consists of three processes: pre-packaged goods, functional packaging, and post-packaged goods. Among them, the front package of the goods and the rear package of the goods are invisible packaging, the functional packaging is the tangible packaging, the tangible packaging is the information carrier of the invisible packaging, and the intangible packaging provides guidance for the tangible packaging and enables the economical behavior of the added value of the goods to be realized. (Dissecting the real purpose of mainstream funds and discovering the best opportunities for profit!)

Therefore, packaging contains many factors such as science and technology, culture, art, social psychology, and ecological value. It is no longer the original single functional packaging concept. It should be a "packaging system" in modern packaging science. It is a systematic project and a new concept of economic awareness.

First, packaging technology concept

The world is moving toward a knowledge-based economy. The so-called knowledge economy is an economy based on the production, distribution, and use of knowledge and information. Knowledge assets have become a key asset for business development. They include brands, services, information, networks, etc. , It is an asset whose intellectual assets such as assets, patents, trademarks, and industrial property rights, etc., that enterprises have acquired competitiveness; assets of enterprise management, management methods, and corporate culture that embody the internal development momentum of the company; employee quality, knowledge, and skills reflect the human resources of the enterprise. Assets of resources; and expert systems, etc., reflect the assets of the enterprise support system.

In all of the above aspects, the ultimate goal is to realize the economic benefits of its economic activities through the use of this carrier. The important part of this commodity carrier lies in the packaging. The packaging process is first of all a scientific and technological concept of packaging, which contains the transformation of knowledge assets. The scientific concept of packaging also includes two aspects. On the one hand, it is the technological component of the original functional packaging, and on the other is the packaging technology concept.

The technological components of the original functional packaging should be the application of packaging technology: With the development of modern high technology, a large number of scientific and technological achievements such as new technologies, new processes, new materials, new equipment in packaging materials, packaging and printing, packaging design and manufacturing processes On the application, to improve its original packaging features to meet people's convenience in material consumption, safety, practical and low-cost economic and technical indicators. Economic activities aimed at achieving high-quality, high-yield, and economical packaging. Science and technology also contains ecological values ​​and fulfills the requirements of green, healthy and sustainable development in social development.

The scientific concept of packaging is an economic sense. It is accomplished by commercial operations. (1) It is determined by the particularity of the technical commodity, its manifestation is indirect, it appears in the form of knowledge or manifests itself as an information state, and it expands on the basis of a certain material commodity. It is a value concept. (2) Derivative of the concept of science and technology. When the high-tech and general technologies are appropriately integrated, the high value-added nature of high-tech is expressed, and the transformation of a large number of its knowledge assets is mainly completed, which can bring about new economic benefits. (3) The intangibility of the concept of science and technology. The technical goods expressed in the form of knowledge and information; the members of the society accept subjective consciousness first through various media, recognize the value of knowledge and wisdom of this information, and then purchase new technology goods; of course, this is tangible and invisible technology market. The degree of development is closely related. (4) The timeliness of the concept of science and technology. The transformation of intellectual labor assets such as patents, trademarks and industrial property rights is a historical product of the development of science and technology and commodity economy.

Packaging should reflect the concept of science and technology from both tangible and intangible aspects. China has successful examples in this regard: such as the myth of Legend brand and the glory of Tsinghua Unisplendour. They are undoubtedly exemplary of the concept of technology packaging.

Second, the cultural concept of packaging concepts

In pre-packaged goods and post-packaged goods, companies choose a certain cultural form to render their products, adapt their products to the market, and rely on certain cultures to market their products. For example: Cultural festivals in business activities Form is the use of cultural ideas. In a certain culture to manage their own employees, mobilize all employees, unite the ideas of employees. Corporate culture is the application of cultural ideas.

Any commodity must be influenced by social factors. Different ideologies such as nationality, ethnicity, region, ethnicity, and religion restrict the packaging products, and the intangible cultural concepts from tangible packaging objects to commodities are reflected, making the products branded with culture. Imprinted to meet people's consumer psychology. Because of the improvement of people's living standards and quality of life, not only the consumption of materials, but also the needs of spiritual consumption. For example, the totem pattern of Chinese ceramics and its shape and craftsmanship are tangible cultural expressions, and show strong national characteristics, even with strong religious features, in addition to the original functions, but also a symbol. In a modern civilized society, the concept of culture is stronger; after Chinese ceramics have the words “MADE IN CIIINA” printed, there will be additional economic effects. He is the essence of national culture and the symbol of the Chinese nation. When people consume, there is a sense of nationality, pride and intimacy. A small fan on the name of the master's notes, famous poems will double the price, which is undoubtedly the economic packaging effect of cultural ideas. The cultural concept of strengthening the concept of packaging is the current social and economic needs.

Third, the packaging of the art concept

The artistic concept of packaging lies in the artistic effect of packaging products. In addition to the scientific nature of any product packaging, the artistic effects are very important. Packaging products should meet the visual effects, but also have a beautiful enjoyment. Because the society has developed into a highly civilized society, people's consumer psychology has changed, and the diversification of consumption structure has made people no longer meet the single material needs. They need the spirit. Needs; different people design different brands to meet people’s needs; in addition, art design is a manifestation of human intelligence, emotions, and ideas that can resonate with people, thus generating a strong desire for the consumption of goods, through The stimulating effect of the subjective color of projection technology makes people happy; the pattern must be concise, profoundly symbolic, and strong in symbolism, and it can have a strong mentality: sudden emergence, but also in line with aesthetic principles, in line with the trend of the times and the changing needs of consumer psychology, And strong identity. We must have the concept of brand value so as to achieve a good expression and suggestion. For example, the Hong Kong-based Dah Sing Bank is linked by two abacus beads. The middle shape is the “big” character, which symbolizes that the bank “sharpen” for customers. In a foreign bank, three chickens are gradually changed into oval shapes, meaning that the bank is a tool for chicken eggs and egg chickens.

As shown in the figure: The logo of China's airlines can be seen as the visual identification mark of the company's CI, and can also be seen as the identification requirements of the company's service brand. The flagship of China’s airlines is more prominent and can be regarded as a model for combining Chinese fine culture with modern atmosphere. The use of red phoenix's shape, graphic simple and elegant, graceful, heads and tails, vitality, not only to our country's classic phoenix art style reinvented most vividly, and exudes a new era of style characteristics.

Therefore, paying attention to the artistic concept of packaging is not only aesthetic, but also conveys different emotions, associations, symbols, sources and objects (ethnicity, gender, age, culture and other factors), seasons, cultures, times, logos, creativity and branding. The name of the relationship coordination, easy to spread, with personality characteristics. Strengthen the concept of art, lay the foundation for the establishment of the brand, which can produce intangible assets and economic benefits.

From the evolution of the style of logo design, it can be seen that the brand recognition symbol must always adapt to the trend of the times and the psychological changes of consumers. The brand logo is relatively stable, but the changes of the time and the product itself, the content and style of the brand logo may not match the beat of the era. Therefore, the brand logo design must be modified gradually and gradually under the premise of relatively stable. The figure shows the development track of Pepsi 100 years.

Fourth, the concept of packaging information

With the advent of the information age and the emergence of e-commerce, there will be more informatized articles on the appearance of packaging products. There are a lot of information here to satisfy people's psychological needs and requirements in the era of networking. The improvement of people’s quality of life requires more understanding and understanding of the products that are packaged. Therefore, packaging should give people the satisfaction of psychological needs. For example, colors express people’s visual experience, as well as the identification and quality certification of green products. The icons, anti-counterfeiting labels, laser bar code labels (for ease of logistics management), as well as product quality parameters, instructions for use identification and other information, and even fully digital hologram network identification information. The information concept of packaging will also affect the economic benefits of the goods, thus affecting business behavior.


The concept of packaging is an indispensable part of people's lives. Its connotation is extremely rich. It is not only a concept, but also a concept and a socio-economic awareness. It contains two forms of tangible and intangible. Packaging is a system engineering and a system science. It is affecting people's lives, extending people's thinking and influencing commercial behavior. The establishment of a correct packaging concept and economic awareness will certainly promote the rapid development of social economy.

Reprinted from: China Packaging Industry

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