Color in Packaging Art (below)

New Trends in Modern Packaging Design Serialized Packaging

The rapid development of serialized packaging fully meets the aesthetic psychology of consumers. The diversification of commodities will inevitably lead to the diversification of product packaging. Serialized packaging is a popular form of contemporary international packaging design. It is a unified design of a company or a brand name of different kinds of products with a common characteristic. It adopts local color, image or text changes, and the overall composition is designed in a unified and unified manner. It unifies multiple commodities and is also called "familial" design, so that the customer can know at a glance that it is a brand of a certain factory. In order to establish the concept of reputation and brand-name products, the overall image of the product has a strong sense of impression, giving a clear impression and long-term memory. Serialized packaging has two advantages: First, it makes the company’s products prominent, which is conducive to public attention, attracting people's attention, which is beneficial to creating brand names and is conducive to market competition. Second, it plays a role in expanding sales. If you are satisfied with one of the products in the series, you will have confidence in other products of the series, which will increase sales impact. If it is a traditional brand-name product line, it can also use brand-name charm to expand sales.

In the form of beauty, the unity of diversity and integrity is an important rule. Oriental art and Western art have the tradition of overall beauty. Nowadays, the rules of overall beauty also go deep into all areas of life. From clothing to furniture, from interior decoration to environmental art, the overall beauty of art style is pursued. The serialized design of the packaging is exactly in accordance with the “aspect of diversity” which is the basic principle of aesthetics that our nation and other peoples all follow.

Due to the role and status of serialized packaging in the sales market and its development trend, it determines the importance of its strategic position in market competition. There are many ways to express a series of packaging designs. The kinds of products that appear on domestic and foreign markets can be summarized as follows:

1, the same type of product, uniform shape, pattern (or image) unity, text management position is unified, but the color has changed. This kind of change shows a strong overall feeling and is widely used. From the printing point of view, the revision process is simple and the cost is not high. Just change the title to change the ink color.

2, similar products, the pattern, text, color are the same, but different specifications, different shapes. This type of change is mostly used in cosmetic packaging.

3, similar products, text management position unchanged, its specifications, patterns, colors have changed.

4, the same type of product, the same specifications, the pattern, color, text have changed. This type of change is large, but the pattern of expression is consistent, which is again a great unity, can be a combination of many numbers, and did not undermine the unity of the "big family."

5, the same type of product, its specifications, colors, shapes have changed, but the product name and brand name remain unchanged. It is the unanimity of expression methods that unite them. This kind of change is novel and unique, with a variety of shapes and strong interest. It is mostly used for children's toys or supplies. Can grasp children's psychology, show good results, strong attraction.

6, similar products, color tone unchanged, the text of the same name, shape the same, just the pattern image and location changes (pictured). It cleverly uses the combination of the four sides of the box to form an extremely interesting pattern, which enhances the overall sense and expands the visual appeal. It is equivalent to unfolding the four sides of the box.

All of the above, as far as the variety of its changes are concerned, the diversity of its expressions shows how its competitive position in the sales market is.

The manifestation of serialized packaging is consistent with the "repeated" representation of decorative painting. Repeated reproductions of people or things often appear in decorative painting. In repetition, sometimes the single mechanical repetition occurs, and some individual movements change slightly. The purpose is to prolong the rhythm of the rhythm and enhance the artistic appeal through people’s visual perception. Rewards, stimulate emotional resonance. The four little swans in the ballet “Swan Lake” danced in one scene. The light and beautiful melody, accompanied by intoxicating dancing, gave us great artistic enjoyment. Imagine that if you change to a little swan solo, that would be What effect? ​​Series of packaging performance techniques precisely adapted to this extremely moving art laws.

Issues that should be noted in serialized packaging design:

Product categories cannot be confused. Serialized packaging emphasizes the combination of changes in similar products, and the combination of non-similar products destroys its role. For example, a series of cool drink packaging, with orange juice, grape juice, hawthorn juice, peach juice, etc., in the design of a unified form, and then in a more specific position to highlight the image of their own fruit, make people At a glance, achieving the goal of serialization has received satisfactory results. It is not appropriate to combine Hawthorn Sparkling Wines because one is a beverage and the other is a liquor. Although the same is a drink, the ingredients are different and cannot be confused.

The homogeneity of similar products should emphasize individuality. Taking the refreshing drink mentioned above as an example, if the image of a fruit such as oranges or grapes is obscure or improperly handled due to its business location or size, the contents of the product cannot be displayed clearly and clearly, which can easily lead to misunderstandings by consumers and lose their value. Sales value. For example, in the series of coffee packaging design, its symbolic color should be clearly defined: red indicates thick, yellow indicates mild, and sour is expressed in green. The grade is clear. Similar products also have distinctions between high and low. Generally, high-end products cannot form series with low-grade products. Such as high-end suits and low-end suits to form a series of packaging, people will doubt whether the high-end is true or false? The result is high-quality but not high-level, low-level counterfeit high, and thus lose credibility.

Wooden Crate

A wooden crate has a self-supporting structure, with or without sheathing. For a wooden container to be a crate, all six of its sides must be put in place to result in the rated strength of the container. Crates are distinct from wooden boxes. The strength of a Wooden Box is rated based on the weight it can carry before the top (top, ends, and sides) is installed, whereas the strength of a crate is rated with the top in place. In general conversation, the term crate is sometimes used to denote a wooden box.

Wooden Crate 5 Jpg

Although the definition of a wooden crate, as compared to a wooden box, is clear, construction of the two often results in a container that is not clearly a crate or a box. Both wooden crates and wooden boxes are constructed to contain unique items, the design of either a crate or box may use principles from both. In this case, the container will typically be defined by how the edges and corners of the container are constructed. If the sheathing (either plywood or lumber) can be removed, and a framed structure will remain standing, the container would likely be termed a crate. If removal of the sheathing results in no way of fastening the lumber around the edges of the container, the container would likely be termed a wooden box.

Wood Crate,Rustic Wood Crate,Customized Wood Crate,Wooden Wine Crate

Jinan Tri-Tiger Technology Development Co., Ltd ,

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