The sexiest women love sports

Every year, "Man's Gang" (FHM)'s "World's Sexyest Women" selection is highly regarded, and this year is no exception. A few days ago, Men’s Gang surveyed readers (mainly men) in 24 countries and regions around the world. The US version is the 31-year-old American supermodel Marisa Miller, and the British version is Cheryl Cole, a 27-year-old singer, is sexy and can't get away with sports.

●The US version of Marissa is a volleyball and surfing player.

The blond-eyed Marisa Miller is one of the hottest models in the United States today. Now she has become the beautiful spokesperson of California. She perfectly explains what is called "Water Snake Waist".

Marissa High School is the best attacker on the volleyball court. She began her career as a model at the age of 16, and later became a surfer with a bodybuilder and sexy devil figure. Kennedy, the editor-in-chief of "Man's Help" magazine, appreciates her: "She is a sunny and healthy sexy body that is loved by men all over the world." It is also a coincidence that surfing has given her a chance to become popular. In 2001, at the age of 23, she met Mario TESTINO, a fashion photographer who was surfing on California beaches. Mario was deeply moved by Marisa, and soon after, a series of beautiful photos featuring Marisa Surf appeared in the US magazine "VOGUE". Since then, Marisa has become a frequent guest on the cover of various fashion or non-fashion magazines, including ELLE, VOGUE, GQ and even Forbes.

●English version of Xie Lier is a sports baby

In the "Men's Gang" British version of the reader's selection, the first couple to sit on the sexy top is the British singer, 27-year-old Cheryl Cole (the wife of British international Ashley Cole), US version Champion Marisa is only in third place.

Xie Lier was recently selected as the "2010 Best Dressed Female Star" by the fashion magazine "Glamour" in the May issue of the UK. Xie Lier was one of the top ten sports babies in England before her marriage. She also told the media that she did not resist plastic surgery, if the plastic surgery would not be denied. She said: "I don't resist plastic surgery. If a girl wants breast augmentation because of her small chest, she will be happier and more confident. I will agree with her. If I have had plastic surgery, I will not deny it. I won't say 'No, I don't have breast augmentation' with a pair of big breasts coming out of the dragon. I think ç‘•ç–µ is sometimes sexy."

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